The Father’s Heart
This week our focus is on the father-heart of God. In this chapter Luke records Jesus sharing three stories of things that were lost…and found.
During January & February we have been on a journey with Jesus based on Luke’s Gospel; a reminder that Luke is concerned to show how Jesus came as the saviour for the whole world.
Starting on March 5th, we enter the Season of Lent in the Christian calendar – a period of 40 days in which we prepare ourselves for Easter. Lent has been described as a period for Christians to engage in a spring-clean of their lives, by considering some things that we may want to give up, and other things that we may consider taking up.
This season is a great time to draw close to Jesus and allow his Spirit to speak to us and transform us. For the first 5 weeks we want to consider some of Jesus’ parables (in Luke’s Gospel), and explore how these ancient stories can change our hearts, our lives and our world, even today.
This week our focus is on the father-heart of God. In this chapter Luke records Jesus sharing three stories of things that were lost…and found.
This week our focus is on how this famous parable of Jesus reveals the heart of God for people who have been “beaten and bruised” by life and feel like they are in a vulnerable place.