For Our City
Central Café is open at Central Hall on Mondays & Tuesdays 10am-4pm with over 20 tables, hot drinks, affordable food and warm space. We welcome everyone from students studying to folk meeting friends and everyone in between. If paying is difficult or if you’d like to donate please talk to your server.
For more information, or to volunteer at the café, please contact Sheena at sheena@centralchurch.co.uk.
CAP Debt Help
CAP is an absolutely free service for anyone struggling to get out of debt. If you are feeling weighed down by debt, our friendly team will be happy to meet with you in your home, over the phone or at Central Hall. We offer a listening ear, alongside real solutions to your debt.
If you need help please call 0800 3280006 to book an appointment. A debt coach and volunteer from Central will arrange a visit to help you begin your journey out of debt.
Christians Against Poverty or CAP is an award winning national debt counselling charity. It works with a network of local churches, with one of the branches based at Central. CAP staff will work to try and find a solution to your debt situation, and we have seen more than 20,000 people go debt free with CAP UK-wide since 2010. Our service is open to people from all faith backgrounds and none, it is unique, in depth and absolutely free.
Run in partnership with Edinburgh City Mission, the Clothes Bank provides emergency clothing for those most in need. A straight-forward online referral form allows local agencies and practitioners to refer people who need to access the Clothes Bank service.
Referrals – For more information and to access the referral form, see Edinburgh City Mission’s website.
Donations – These can be dropped off on a Monday or Sunday morning at Central Hall. Children and Adult’s clothing, shoes and bedding are welcome, unfortunately we no longer take baby clothing or accessories. New underwear is always needed so if you felt able to buy some new pants these would be especially welcome.
Volunteer – We are always looking for more volunteers, get in touch with Mairi Giles
Soul Food
Every week we provide a hot, delicious and freshly prepared meal, while also offering some respite and support to anyone dealing with the challenges of homelessness, poverty or loneliness.
Join us on Sundays, 2-3pm at Central Hall.
For more information, or to volunteer, get in touch.
Pastoral Care
Alongside our care ministries, we also have a Pastoral Support Team. If you have a pastoral need that you feel requires additional support, then please contact the Pastoral Care Team and they will then direct you accordingly. Support we offer may include connecting you with a Pastoral Buddy, or providing practical support such as collecting prescriptions or delivering meals.
Parish Nursing
We have a free Parish Nursing Service in partnership with Parish Nursing Ministries UK. The Parish Nurses are Registered Nurses with the Nursing and Midwifery Council with training in adult mental health and general nursing. We offer timely holistic supportive and preventive nursing care that reduces isolation, maintains health and wellbeing, prevents deterioration, and oversees recovery.
Tollcross Tots
Tollcross Tots meets on Mondays 10am – 11.20am. We offer stories, toys, snacks, singing and fun for little people. Coffee, cake and a friendly atmosphere for big people. Some families also choose to stay on to eat lunch together in Central Cafe.
For more information please contact tollcrosstots@gmail.com