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Serve on a team

Teams are great way to make a difference in our city. They are a space to  release your passions, skills, experience and spiritual gifts as you meet people, serve others, and serve God at the same time.

There is a role for everyone, whether you can commit every week or only once in a while.

Have a look below at all our different teams to see if there is one you would like to get stuck into.

Feel like you have a skill or time to give that you don’t see in the list below? Share it with us in the Skill Share box and we’ll be in touch!

Join a Team

Which Teams are you interested in?
Let us know anything else we should know to help you get connected to a team
Got a skill or time to offer (e.g. cleaning, finance, admin etc) that you think might be helpful? Let us know!
Which Community are you in?