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Hope is Here

We find ourselves, once again, in the season of Advent – a time in which we prepare ourselves to reflect upon and welcome the Coming of God into our world in Jesus. In several of the Prophets the theme of “The Branch” is presented speaking of the coming of Christ as the “True Vine”, the one who comes to bring hope, peace, joy and love from God into our world. So this year we have chosen four passages from the Prophets which speak about what this looks like.

  • Finding Joy

    Filed under:
    Sermon series
    Jeremiah 33:10-11, 14-16
    Nick Blair
    15th Dec 2024

    In these passages, Jeremiah highlights that the coming “Branch” would be righteous, who would restore God’s justice and right ways among the people and in the land. When this happens, the people would, once again, experience “joy and gladness”. Throughout Scripture these two themes always appear together: when God reigns and restores justice among his people, the result is a restoration of joy. This recording is from the morning gathering.

  • Finding Joy

    Filed under:
    Sermon series
    Don Palmer
    15th Dec 2024

    In these passages, Jeremiah highlights that the coming “Branch” would be righteous, who would restore God’s justice and right ways among the people and in the land. When this happens, the people would, once again, experience “joy and gladness”. Throughout Scripture these two themes always appear together: when God reigns and restores justice among his people, the result is a restoration of joy. This recording is from the Carols by Candlelight evening gathering.

  • Finding Peace

    Filed under:
    Sermon series
    Isaiah 11:1-12
    Matt Tindale
    8th Dec 2024

    This week we’re thinking about the peace that comes through the appearance of “The Branch”. In this passage from Isaiah, the prophet pictures not just a branch, but a “shoot” growing out of the “stump of Jesse” (thinking about the promised king who would come from the line of David). This recording is from the morning all-age nativity gathering.

  • Finding Peace

    Filed under:
    Sermon series
    Isaiah 11:1-12
    Odele Harding
    8th Dec 2024

    This week we’re thinking about the peace that comes through the appearance of “The Branch”. In this passage from Isaiah, the prophet pictures not just a branch, but a “shoot” growing out of the “stump of Jesse” (thinking about the promised king who would come from the line of David). This recording is from the evening reflective gathering.

  • Finding Hope

    Filed under:
    Sermon series
    Isaiah 4:2-6
    Don Palmer
    1st Dec 2024

    This passage is entitled “A Promise of Restoration” in some Bibles. Isaiah the Prophet is promising that when “the Branch of the Lord” appears, it will be a beautiful and glorious thing. This is pointing forward ultimately to the coming of Jesus as our refuge and security. This was the hope of Israel and, during this season of Advent, we consider the HOPE that Jesus has brought to us.