All-In – Community
This week we’re thinking about another aspect of what it means to be All-In as a member of Central: that is committing to joining and participating in a community. The passage we’re considering this week is one that summarises how Nehemiah mobilised the people into small communities, who then got together to do their part in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Once finished they came to seek God’s will, to center their lives on him and to walk in his ways. In chapters 2-3, Nehemiah oversees the rebuilding of the walls, as he witnesses the people each doing their part in God’s mission. In these small communities they committed to listening to what God was saying to them, through Nehemiah, and then working together. As a church, we are committed to gathering together for worship and around hearing God speak to us through his word, and then being scattered as communities on mission. Through this rhythm, we believe God transforms us, and then extends this through us as his people.