We are a family, where all are welcomed and celebrated regardless of background, belief or behaviour. We want our young people to know a deep-rooted security in Jesus, built upon God’s love for them. As they discover how much He values them, they’ll have the confidence to take risks, dare to dream and make huge leaps of faith. This exciting and scary adventure is not to be done alone – This is the body of Christ, living it out together!
What’s on?
Every Friday we meet together, here’s what we get up to!
Every fortnight 7:30-9PM, we have small groups (called Tribes) meeting together on Fridays at Central Hall. These are open and welcome spaces to invite friends and to begin to ask the big questions of faith, by looking at God’s word together. Tribes are places where we develop strong, long-lasting friendships and grow in our faith together.
Our social nights (called Hangouts) are about relationship, fun and invitation! These take place every other week on Fridays 7:30-9PM, and include games nights, creative nights, and off-site trips to Bowling, Crazy Golf, and many other places. Here, we meet together to deepen relationships, have fun and build community.
Sunday Mornings
During Sunday morning gatherings, we meet together, play games and look at God’s word. Great place to hang out while the parents engage with Church in the main space!
Youth are mentored in one to one or group settings to encourage, equip and support them in their walk with God. We believe you don’t have to wait to be an adult before you get to take part in furthering God’s Kingdom, so we love to release our young people to lead out on what God has given them a heart for.
Click on the button below to view the latest Youth Calendar with all our key dates and details.
Get in touch with Connaire, our Youth and Communities Coordinator to find out more and to get involved.