We believe that children are valued individuals with a central place in God’s Kingdom. Raising up kids who know God and want to make Him known is at the heart of all we aim to do. Whether in church, school, playgroup or at home, following Jesus, depending on his Spirit and loving the Father is what we’re about.
We seek to create a place where kids know that they belong. As well as our Sunday programme, we also have specific all-age gatherings throughout the year, providing a place for all ages and stages to come together and worship. Our wider church family is made up of Communities and each community seeks to provide a place for families and kids to learn and grow in faith together.
On Sundays we have a full kids & youth programme as part of our 10.30am Gathering.
On Mondays,10am-11:20am we have Tollcross Tots, a group for toddlers and parents/carers.

At Central we take safeguarding seriously. This includes children, young people and vulnerable adults. We all play our part in keeping everyone safe. If you are concerned about a child at Central or want to know about our safeguarding procedures please click below.