Welcome to Central

Loving Edinburgh
Being Family
Following Jesus

Gather on Sundays
We gather on a Sunday to worship together, learn from the Bible, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. Everyone is welcome.

Live in Community
God has changed each of our lives in an incredible way. We’d love to see the same transformation in the lives of our friends and in our city. We do this through Communities, formed around a common focus, desiring to be like and love like Jesus.

Try Alpha
Explore life’s biggest questions
Ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask, share your own thoughts and meet new friends.

For Our City
Loving Edinburgh together
As a church, we want to play our part in serving those in our city who might need some practical support.

New to Central?
Whether you’re visiting, exploring faith for the first time, returning to church or looking for a place to call home, you’re so welcome! Come and say hi to us on Sunday or get in touch with the team.